- Flatter by all Means
- Have Fun
Impress the opposite sex by the simple techniques, flirting tips, dating tips
Make a clean break. As tempting as it can be, if you are still in love with your EX, and they don't reciprocate the feelings and intensity, then you're better off making a clean break. This is true every time. Ex lover rarely make good friends after a break up.
Delete all telephone numbers, email address and the like that contain your ex’s details. Keeping temptation at bay is vital.
Clear out as many personal items as you can. Obviously keeping practical stuff is important, but, if you’re using your ex’s left behind items to remember them, then that’s no good. Clear them out as soon as possible.
Treat yourself. Make sure you get used to enjoying yourself without your ex partner. Prove to yourself, your ex and others that you can smile again in spite of the circumstances. A divorce doesn’t mean you can’t laugh a lot.
Let your frustrations, anger and bitterness come out. Write down your feeling or get some counseling. Even if it’s just a friend who will listen to you for a while. Blow off steam – it’s natural.
Cleanse your current situation by buying new things for the house. New bedding and kitchen utensils are something you use every day. Get new items. Your life is still going to go on so distance yourself from the things you used with your ex. It will work wonders for you.
Give yourself time to heal. You don’t need to rush into a new relationship until your ready. Advice given to me as I was going through my divorce was to ‘clear the decks emotionally.’ Superb advice, you don’t need to rebound till its right for you.
Eliminate any negative self-talk. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself after a break up. It can help you only for a very short while at the beginning. If you keep talking yourself down then you’ll find it harder to move on when the time is right for you.
Take charge of your life again. Make goals. Set yourself challenges. Maybe you always wanted to abseil or jump from a plane. Maybe learning yoga could be right for you. The world is your oyster.
Take comfort in the fact that it does get better each day. Say to yourself ‘every day in every way I’m getting better and better and better.’ It’s true and most people who have been divorced will tell you that suddenly one day you realize that the rest of your life can easily be the best of your life.
Did you know that two out of five single people in the
Why is this? Well, it's true that some sites are better than others; they have more traffic, they are better to navigate; they just 'work' whilst others just don't. But what really matters is how you use a site when you actually sign-up to one. Take my word for it, unless you take the five simple steps that I'm about to outline, you may as well do something more productive with your time than join a singles site. What I'm about to say may sound obvious and rather simplistic, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't bother doing the 'obvious'. So here goes...
1. Create A Great Profile. This is the most important aspect of your dating site experience. Don't just say 'Nice guy seeks nice girl for trips to the cinema' - how boring does that sound? Take the time to say something about yourself, your lifestyle, your interests and the type of person you're hoping to meet. And remember to sound happy, upbeat, fun and confident; if you're miserable about your recent breakup, then keep it to yourself! This isn't the time for modesty; if you think you're pretty darn attractive, then be sure to say so. And humors is a real ice-breaker - if you can make someone laugh, they'll be more likely to want to contact you.
2. Always Upload A Photo. Even if you don't have a very flattering one to hand, you should always post a picture with your profile. Remember, 95% of people on dating sites only search for other members who have bothered to provide a picture of them. You want to see what other potential partners look like so it stands to reason that other people will want to know what you look like too. If your photo isn't recent or isn't a great likeness of you, you can always say so in your profile.
3. Be Proactive. Don't just join a site and expect other people to contact you. Make sure you regularly search the database for people with whom you might be compatible and when you find someone you like the look or sound of, write to them immediately and tell them why you think you might be a good fit.
4. Write Great Emails. OK, you've joined a dating site, you've searched for other members who fall within your specified categories, and you've been presented with a page of matching profiles. You're eager to fire off a few emails...but what on earth do you say in them? Re-read the paragraph above about creating a great profile and apply the same rules to the first email that you send to another member. If it looks like you can't be bothered to say much or that you're sending the same one line message to several people, then they probably won’t bother to reply. Tell that person a little about who you are and why you think you might both be compatible - respond directly to what you've read in that person's profile - sound interested and interesting and you'll get an email by return – sound boring and downbeat and you'll just be ignored.
5. Check Back With The Site. There are two reasons why you should do this as often as possible. The most obvious one is to keep up to speed with who has joined since you last logged-on; that special someone might have signed-up since you last visited the site so don't miss out. However, what most people don't realize is that when you log-in to a dating site, your profile moves up the listings on the internal search engine which means that you are more likely to be spotted and subsequently contacted by other people. Don't be a stranger to the site you've joined and I recommending that you visit the site at least once a day during the lifetime of your membership.
So there you have it - 5 easy ways to make your chosen dating site work for YOU. Have fun and happy hunting!
This is the first thing I believe in overcoming fear of rejection. That is knowing we are all so human that all of us feel vulnerable at times.
We keep going back, stronger, not weaker, because we will not allow rejection to beat us down. It will only strengthen our resolve. To be successful there is no other way. - Earl G. Graves
So let me ask you a question - if your purpose in Flirting is to make someone else feel good, can you be rejected? At the very worse, you may have not succeeded, but you cannot feel rejected if that is your purpose?
My strongest belief is no-one has the power to decide if we are rejected, only we can make that decision.
The second aspect is there are a lot of people who have acquired defense mechanisms, their own way to avoid feeling rejected or feeling hurt.
Dear to us are those who love us. . . but dearer are those who reject us as unworthy, for they add another life; they build a heaven before us whereof we had not dreamed, and thereby supply to us new powers out of the recesses of the spirit. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
But what if I really really like that sexy guy or girl? I hear you ask.
This brings us to the third aspect. Sometimes we just cannot control how others will react or make decisions about us.
Promise me you will focus on controlling how you feel and not focus on the other person.
I feel it is only ourselves who choose to feel rejected rather than others rejecting us. I have no doubt you have not felt rejected when someone looked past you or ignored you in the past. Its just you did not care as much. The emotional intensity was just not there.
One of the big factors is the emotional intensity involved. Now we have to lower that emotional intensity. So how do we do that?
We can start by listing the reasons we are a good friend, a good lover, a good mum or dad, or daughter or son.
If you are rejected by someone, who are they to make a decision on your behalf?, it is only you who makes the decision on being rejected.
The following I believe is a very good article on rejection by Tony Robbins my favourite coach in the world. I think it's very worthwhile.
1. All of us have had fear of rejection
2. People's defense mechanism to avoid rejection can be to reject us first.
3. Focus on you making the decision not to be rejected. After all it's not their decision.
Hope this helps
Let me ask you a question. If you were at a party feeling shy and maybe a little awkward, would you want someone to approach you to feel comfortable?
Do you think other people that read this would answer yes as well?
Point is they would like to be talking with someone like you, so you are not the only one. In fact every person feels like that at some point in time.
So firstly, you are not the only one.
Secondly don't apologise for who you are. What I mean by this is don't feel like you don't deserve to mix company with anyone, period.
A part of flirting women is about feeling good about yourselfFeel good about yourself - Don't feel as though you need to satisfy rules in your mind to feel good e.g if I can do this or hang out with such and such THEN I will be happy. Start to feel good now for how special you are.
Guys are attracted to shy girls - Guys find shy girls very attractive. That you can take my word for. Be confident you have an advantage.
Practice eye contact - Shy girls I have coached definitely benefit and get results when they start making eye contact.No-one is always shy - I believe we are all confident when we feel comfortable enough. It can be with friends or family or playing your favourite computer game.
Don't give yourself the identity you are shy. We are all different in different circumstances, sometimes maybe shy, sometimes maybe a little crazy.If you focus on when you are most confident, rather than thinking shy, you will be more likely to act that way.
Of course it will become so much easier each time you make eye contact and smile at guys.
Stick with it, even if it feels uncomfortable at first, and good luck!
Flirting Tips
Women are so much more subtle about flirting clues that men need to really pay attention. Ladies, men are not used to women flirting with them. An overwhelming majority of men said they would just love it if a woman would talk to them first or at least express a larger clue that you were interested in checking them out.
#1: Repeated contact...at least three separate verbal or non-verbal clues need to be given. Why? The first time he's going to look around and make sure it's really him that you are flirting with. The second, he knows it's him and he gets flushed and pleased. (At this point he'll probably walk by you and at least smile..he's checking you out a little more.) The third time you can express interest-by introducing yourself, or commenting on his tie, or waving from across the room. Now he knows you are open to meeting and it will be a cinch.
#2: Whisper...it always gets their attention. Ask them if you can tell them a secret...Then whisper in their ear: 'I just love your tie...can I buy it from you when you are done with it?'
#3: Don't sit with other women...men don't want you to reject them in front of an audience. If you do go out with a friend...separate every so often or take a breather from talking...men do not want to risk your disapproval by interrupting you. (You have already missed out on a lot of quality polite men who didn't want to interrupt.)
#4: Treat men gently...If someone you are not interested in approaches you and flirts ...be nice.... All the other men are watching to see what you do. If you laugh after he leaves or show visual disapproval, you are cutting your chances on anyone else approaching you. Try shaking his hand and saying something like: 'It was so nice of you to approach me...what's your name? Tom? Tom, I know how hard it is to meet people...I might have a girlfriend who would be interested in you.'
#5: IF he acts like a JERK! Be polite but firm. Hand him a copy of the men's version of 'Flirting with Greatness' and ask him to go practice on someone else. Firmly say that 'lines' with sexual overtones are not only not attractive to you but to most other women in the world.
#6: Use the Buddy system. Walk through a group of men and have someone watch to see who's checking you out.
#7: Become More Irresistible! Show a little leg....wear higher heels...the redder the lipstick the more available and noticeable you will be. Arch your back a little as you sit up tall and cross your legs high. Wear earrings that are interesting enough to make someone comment on them.
#8: Look over your shoulder...and smile at him. This asymmetrical position is always a signal you are interested.
#9: Give him a look all over from head to toe - nod with approval and then flash him your most winning smile.
#10: Remember that flirting is a way of connecting from the heart and acknowledging someone. Be generous! Have Fun!